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English - Handwriting

A whole-school approach is vital to maintaining a consistent approach to the teaching and learning of handwriting from Kindergarten to Year 6, with the emphasis in Kindergarten on pre-writing skills, such as patterning.

For a whole-school approach to be effective, certain documents need to be prepared prior to implementation. These include:

  • a handwriting policy outlining the font, the time allocations, the expectations of the program and of the students, how the program will be implemented and evaluated, teaching strategies, and differentiation and assessment requirements;
  • a progressive teaching and learning sequence within each year level and across the school;
  • a list of handwriting terminology with relevant explanations and examples;
  • a document outlining the dotted-thirds line sizing and the writing implements to be used in each year level; and
  • any relevant forms that teachers may need to access regarding referrals to specialists.