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Investigating Renewable Energy – Fun hands-on activities and investigations to explore energy – Ages 10+ ebook

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Fun, hands-on activities and investigations to explore energy. Renewable energy explores the energy sources which have the potential to supply inexhaustible power without generating large amounts of pollution and waste which would allow us to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

  • comprehensive and contemporary informational text summarising the main types of sustainable energies being developed and used today – solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, wave energy and biomass energy
  • fun, hands-on activities and investigations to explore each energy source
  • activities to discover the advantages and disadvantages of each energy source
  • covers relevant, contemporary topics such as energy-efficient home design and ‘green vehicles’ and introduces the main principles of energy
  • raises students’ awareness of the Earth and the consequences of human activity upon it
  • motivates students to live sustainability and to appreciate the individual, community and global responsibility for the care of our planet
  • activities cross major learning areas, with particular emphasis given to Science, Society and Environmentand English
  • comprehensive background information for the teacher with easy to understand explanations of scientific concepts
  • teachers notes, answers, display ideas and suggested additional activities

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