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Large variant of product image 1 for Contributing to healthy and active communities — Year 5 digital unit
Small variant of product image 1 for Contributing to healthy and active communities — Year 5 digital unit

Contributing to healthy and active communities — Year 5 digital unit

A 25-page digital unit from the New Zealand Curriculum Health series covering the following:

  • Maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe the benefits to well-being
  • Contribute to and use simple guidelines and practices that promote physically and socially healthy classrooms
  • Participate in and describe how their body responds to regular and vigorous physical activity
  • Contribute to and use simple guidelines and practices that promote physically and socially healthy schools and other environments and take action to enhance their effectiveness
  • Participate in a variety of games and activities and discuss the enjoyment these activities can bring to them and others
  • Identify and demonstrate ways of maintaining and enhancing relationships between individuals and within groups e.g. celebrating and respecting similarities and differences
  • Describe how individuals and groups share characteristics and are also unique e.g. stories and fables


  • written in lesson-plan format
  • a compilation of lesson plans; blackline masters; and teacher resources such as stories, poems, scenarios and cards for games
  • clearly identified sub-strand—Being healthy, safe and active
  • suggested resources
  • suggested assessment ideas such as work samples and responses to questions
  • suggestions for expanding the lesson and/or for follow-up lessons
  • suggestions for differentiation (where applicable)
  • clearly-stated curriculum links on all teacher pages
  • answers


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