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Comprehension text – New ways of solving crime – Ages 11-12 ebook

This is a 7-page unit from the Developing Comprehension skills and word knowledge series that covers:


  • Understand that cohesive links can be made in texts by omitting or replacing words (ACELA1520)
  • Investigate how complex sentences can be used in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas (ACELA1522)
  • Identify and explain how analytical images like figures, tables, diagrams, maps and graphs contribute to our understanding of verbal information in factual and persuasive texts (ACELA1524)


  • Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts (ACELY1713)
  • Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions (ACELY1709)
  • Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and sequenced content and multimodal elements (ACELY1700)
  • Select, navigate and read texts for a range of purposes, applying appropriate text processing strategies and interpreting structural features, for example table of contents, glossary, chapters, headings and subheadings (ACELY1712)

Word knowledge

  • Understand how to use knowledge of known words, word origins including some Latin and Greek roots, base words, prefixes, suffixes, letter patterns and spelling generalisations to spell new words including technical words (ACELA1526)
  • Understand how to use phonic knowledge and accumulated understandings about blending, letter-sound relationships, common and uncommon letter patterns and phonic generalisations to read and write increasingly complex words (ACELA1830)

Each individual text type covers a number of content descriptions across the Language, Literature and Literacy strands of Australian Curriculum English. The detailed lesson plans save valuable planning time and allow for individual student differences. Use all, or some, of the ideas provided to cater to the needs of your class.

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