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The Christmas Kit – Ages 8-10 ebook

The Christmas Kit contains activities from across the curriculum, including English, mathematics, science, society and environment, technology and enterprise and art and craft. The package enables students to work independently, in small groups or as a whole class under teacher direction. It has been designed to capture the student’s imagination and promote creativity while addressing skill development and cross-curricular learning.

Comprehensive teachers notes for each page, including indicators to explain the learning focus of the activity, background information, answers and additional activities, have been included to save precious time at this stage of the year.


  • wide variety of cross-curricular blackline master activities based on the Christmas theme
  • activities include comprehending the meaning of Christmas, exploring Christmas traditions around the world, following directions in making cards and gifts, text analysis and reading and performing plays
  • comprehensive teachers notes accompanying each page, including background information, additional activities and answer

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