A 41-page digital unit from the New Zealand Curriculum Health series covering the following:
Identify the pressures that can influence interactions with other people and how these can affect them
Identify factors (e.g. puberty) that affect personal, physical, social, emotional growth and develop skills to manage changes
Identify risk and use safe practices when dealing with situations where they feel uncomfortable or unsafe
Identify risk and describe safe practices to manage these
Identify factors that affect their physical needs and develop skills to manage this e.g. healthy eating
Maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe how these assist in the promotion of well-being
Describe how their body responds to regular vigorous activity
Identify risk and describe safe practices to manage these e.g. water safety, road safety
Identify risk and describe safe practices to manage these e.g. cyber practices
written in lesson-plan format
a compilation of lesson plans; blackline masters; and teacher resources such as stories, poems, scenarios and cards for games
clearly identified sub-strand—Being healthy, safe and active
suggested resources
suggested assessment ideas such as work samples and responses to questions
suggestions for expanding the lesson and/or for follow-up lessons
suggestions for differentiation (where applicable)
clearly-stated curriculum links on all teacher pages
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