A 53-page digital unit from the New Zealand Curriculum Health series covering the following:
Describe themselves amd others in relation to a range of contexts (recognise personal strengths and achievements and those of others)
Describe and ask questions about growth and development
Explore and share ideas about relationships with other people
Identify and discuss obvious hazards in their home, school and local environment and adopt simple safety practices
Describe personal safety in a range of contexts and identify ways of dealing with uncomfortable or unsafe situations e.g. bullying
Describe personal safety in a range of contexts and identify people who can help
Identify and discuss obvious hazards in their home and adopt simple safety practices
Describe feelings and ask questions about their health and personal needs e.g. healthy eating
Ask questions about their health and personal needs e.g. benefits of physical activity
Participate in creative and regular physical activity and identify enjoyable experiences in various environments
Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments
Identify and discuss obvious hazards in their local environment and adopt simple safety practices e.g. water safety, road safety
Describe and use safe practices in a range of contexts
Identify and discuss obvious hazards in their local environment and adopt simple safety practices e.g. being sun safe
written in lesson-plan format
a compilation of lesson plans; blackline masters; and teacher resources such as stories, poems, scenarios and cards for games
clearly identified sub-strand—Being healthy, safe and active
suggested resources
suggested assessment ideas such as work samples and responses to questions
suggestions for expanding the lesson and/or for follow-up lessons
suggestions for differentiation (where applicable)
clearly-stated curriculum links on all teacher pages
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