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Payment and Billing

When you’re ready to proceed to the checkout, you’ll need to provide your billing and payment information for R.I.C. Publications to process your order and deliver the goods. Schools may place a school order through the website and pay by invoice. Rest assured, we securely store your personal information and do not sell or supply your details to any third parties.


Payment options

We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer or school order number. If you have concerns or queries regarding the shopping card, feel free to get in touch.


Our bank details

Please note our new bank details are as follows should you need to make a payment to us:

  • Financial institution: BNZ
  • Account name: RIC Publications Pty Ltd
  • Account number: 02-1278-0035632-002


Authorising credit cards

After entering your payment details and confirming your purchase, a message will appear at the foot of the checkout page stating that your order is being processed. When your order is finalised, you will be taken to an order confirmation page, which outlines the details of your order.

If you encounter an error message instead, you may have entered your credit card number or expiry date incorrectly. If any issues persist, you may contact us for assistance.


Purchasing problems

If you experience problems completing your purchase, first check that you have entered your credit card information correctly, then resubmit your order. It may also be worth contacting your credit card provider to ensure there are no issues with your credit account before you contact R.I.C. Publications.

To report your purchasing issue, please contact us, and have the following information ready:

  • Your full name
  • Email address
  • Phone numbers
  • Credit card type
  • A clear description of the purchasing issue you encountered