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Top tips for end of year reports

Top tips for end of year reports

Top tips for end of year reports



Wow, how fast is this term going?! It’s hard to believe we are just over the halfway mark; the holidays are so close! But before you can relax and enjoy the break, you have to get through that dreaded report writing time. We have compiled a few short tips to help you organise your end of term reports.









  1. Start collecting data as early as possible
  2. Remember: the report is for the parents, not a fellow teacher. Keep the comments concise and to the point
  3. Praise achievements and ongoing performances
  4. Provide details and give examples in your statements
  5. Use evidence to support your data
  6. Try to put a positive spin on comments
  7. Check, check and check again your own grammar, punctuation and spelling!
  8. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your teaching colleagues—remember, we are all in the same boat!

The last few weeks of the year are vital in determining what your students’ capabilities are in the lead-up to report writing time. Look into quick ways to assess your students’ capabilities, such as Starting point mathematics, which assesses your students’ mathematical strengths and weaknesses.


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