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Talk like a pirate day classroom activities

Talk like a pirate day classroom activities

Talk like a pirate day classroom activities

Ahoy mateys! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is on 19 September 2019. Here are some ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ ideas for your classroom:

  1. Teach the pirate language basics for your students to use in their writing and speech on this day.
  2. Have the students organise a treasure hunt in the school and construct treasure maps.
  3. Cook pirate food such as hardtack biscuits.
  4. Discuss healthy eating. Explore how a poor diet, while on long voyages, caused health problems such as scurvy.
  5. Play ‘Walk the plank’. The aim of the game is to guess an unknown word. Place a cardboard ‘plank’ on the ground. Draw dashes on the board to represent each letter in the unknown word. Every time the player guesses a letter correctly write it in. Each time the player guesses incorrectly they take a step along the plank. The game finishes when either the word is guessed or the player walks off the end of the plank.


In preparation for Talk like a pirate day, this week's freebie booty be a pirate hat template and a play script for yer students to perform!

Yer little sandcrabs will have lots 'o fun makin' their own hat, fit for a ship's cap'n.

As well as makin' their scurvy pirate hats, students can have a ruckus performin' this role-play, which includes a message 'bout not judgin' someone based on their appearance.


 Download the free Pirate hat template and Amarina the shark play here


Freebie Friday pirate hat downloadAmarina and the shark play download


Are you celebrating 'Talk like a pirate day' in your classroom?
We would love to hear more about it in the comments below. 


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