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Celebrating cultural diversity

Celebrating cultural diversity

Celebrating cultural diversity

'It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and me must understand that all the threads of that tapestry are equal in value no matter their colour.' - Maya Angelo

While unspeakably terrible events have impacted New Zealand this week, the beauty of the community coming together in understanding, compassion and support has overshadowed these acts and highlighted the strength and unity that exists within our diversity. 

Times like these can be particularly difficult for children to understand and process. It is important that they be provided opportunities to express themselves, and know that even in bad times, having fun and keeping spirits up is important. 

In our country, many cultures live together as New Zealanders. Many differences exist and should be celebrated and embraced. A mandala, like below, is a symbol that represents the universe. 

  • Colour the mandala in a way that represents you. 
  • Cut out the square and join it together with your classmates' to create a giant mandala to place on the classroom wall. 

Every time you look at the artwork you will be reminded that no two people are the same, but our differences make our community beautiful. Click on the image below to download the template as a PDF.





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